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India Plots Chip Path: IESA Report Charts Course for Semiconductor Supremacy

Published: 1.30.2024

The India Electronics and Semiconductor Association (IESA) has released a comprehensive report, the "Compendium of Semiconductor & Electronics System Design & Manufacturing Policies in India, 2024 Edition," serving as a decoder for complex web of policies and incentives woven by the central government and 14 states to propel India towards semiconductor supremacy. 

The report meticulously compared state-by-state offerings, from manufacturing subsidies to fabless chip design support, empowering investors, entrepreneurs, and policymakers to make informed decisions that fuel India's ESDM ambitions. 

But IESA goes beyond simply dissecting existing policies. They chart a clear course, offering actionable recommendations for all stakeholders - government bodies, industry leaders, and aspiring chipmakers - to build a thriving ESDM ecosystem. 

The government's Production Linked Incentive (PLI) scheme, coupled with supportive state policies, has already ignited the spark. Companies like Foxconn and HCL are forging chipmaking partnerships, while the first "Made-in-India" chip is slated to roll out by December 2024. 

Despite these promising developments, challenges remain. Bolstering infrastructure, nurturing talent, and streamlining the ease of doing business are crucial areas requiring focused attention.  

In conclusion, the IESA report is more than just a policy catalog; a blueprint for collaboration, and a testament to India's unwavering commitment to etching its name in the global silicon landscape. With continued strategic implementation, concerted efforts, and unwavering focus, India's chip dream can metamorphose into a dazzling reality, solidifying its position as a future giant in the semiconductor world. 

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