Semiconductors are an integral part of electronic devices, most of which cannot work without them. Diotec is a globally recognized manufacturer of semiconductor diodes and rectifiers. Over the last 40 years, Diotec has been highly active and competitive in this component market, providing innovative products and top customer service.
Founded in Heitersheim, Germany in 1973, producing diodes and rectifiers for the European market. Since then, Diotec has expanded to Slovenia, China, and India. Since its founding, Diotec manufactured rectifying diodes and bridges and is currently a well-recognized European brand. From silicon wafers to finished chips, Diotec produces, assembles, and tests all of its equipment and oversees every step of the proces
Why We Are One
For over 40 years, IBS Electronics Group has provided a broad range of integrated supply chain and electronicsmanufacturing solutions tailored specific to our customer's operations. As your one source for the industry’s top brands all in one place, our engineers specialize in reducing supply chain complexity and are here to provide you with dedicated support from prototype to production.