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IBS Electronics CEO, Rob Tavi Shares 2022 Executive Forecast, Looking At Our Future Ahead In Electronics Sourcing Magazine


Wednesday, 15 December, 2021

Cover of Electronics Sourcing magazine December 2021 issue.2022 Executive forecasts looking ahead! Cost savings up to 50 per cent – Page 04, MEMS accelerometer reaches distribution – Page 10, Purchasing ‘super-cycle’ – Page 14, Respect the supply chain – Page 34, All the facts and figures to help you buy – Page 38

The pandemic was an igniter to set up the 2020 decade for a technology revolution accelerating the global digitalization of our ecosystem.

Real Talk with Rob Tavi podcast poster.The demand for electronics in 2021 is out pacing the capacity and it will continue to grow into 2022 and beyond as countries, businesses and consumers all invest into technologies that en­hance infrastructure, compute architecture and smart connected systems to improve efficiencies in business and our way of life.

The biggest constraint is the supply chain of manufacturing due to the old traditional human powered driven systems that are not efficient enough today to keep up with the growth trajectory of global demand.

Today only a small percentage of OEM or EMS manufacturers are modernized into digital MRP systems or Industry 4.0 that allows compute and machine learning predictive systems to be ahead of potential disruptions.

The pandemic has been a wake-up call for all companies no matter where they are in the supply chain to invest into their capacity, technology stacks, and improve internal processes that are more data driven than ever.

Supply disruptions will persist for the next couple years as demand will outpace production capacities well into 2023 until companies technology and capacity investments catch up with the demand of the future.

-Rob Tavi, CEO of IBS Electronics

View Electronics Sourcing’s the full magazine issue including forecast insights from the electronics industry’s top executives

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